I have been having the hardest time keeping up with this blog. I just commented on another social work site that I appreciated funny blogs and had trouble finding any before starting my own that also pertained to social work. However, now that I have committed myself to such an endeavor, it is very difficult to keep up on a daily basis and I have had the pleasure of watching my visit count go from several hundred to one or two a day. If you have ever sat and refreshed the view counter over and over instead of focusing on new material, you know exactly what I mean. In any case, I have been writing, just slightly more seriously due to an upset by a recent issue in our US media with radio talk show host Dr. Laura. You can read my rant on the issue of racism and of my dissatisfaction with Dr. Laura in general here. Of course I have been writing other things as well, but if anyone at work ever knew about all of the nerd-love erotica I write I might be out of a job. Wow, I couldn't help myself just now and googled that to see if such a thing actually existed and all I can say is don't search that term at work or in your home if you don't want your tech guy to think you have a pornography addiction. Now, if your tech guy is really nerdy and you are actually into that sort of thing, by all means, search away.
UPDATE: Apparently I need to learn to close out my browser before I abandon my laptop to go to work. My spouse apparently uses my laptop occasionally (no idea why the three other computers in the house aren't sufficient for him) and thinks that I have a nerd-love erotica fetish, whatever that is. I mean, I guess its true that I am attracted to nerds, and he is aware that I have always found The Professor, Jeff Goldblum and John Stewart extremely attractive, but now he thinks I have a 'problem'. I'll let you know if he becomes jealous and starts reciting physics equations in the bedroom. Actually, that might be kinda hot...
Thanks so much for linking to me! I really appreciated your comment. I too have had a hard time finding humorous social work blogs, which surprised me. If I didn't find some humor in my daily work, I'd be in much worse shape than my clients.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I hate Dr. Laura, she makes me quite stabby. Keep fighting the good fight.
You are welcome socialjerk...I encourage everyone to check out your blog as it has made me lol more than once.