Saturday, July 24, 2010

You Might Be a Social Worker If...

I read a funny and much appreciated list of ‘ways you know you are a social worker’ here and thought that I had to add a few of my own. So, ladies and gentlemen, you know you are a social worker if:

1. You become concerned when you hear someone say “I’m gonna kill so and so” because they might mean it literally.

2. You think that having a mortgage is downright luxurious.

3. You scan rooms for possible weapons when you are talking to others, in case you needed them.

4. Everyone you know calls you during a high profile case hoping you will suddenly forget the ethics you have explained to them 2.5 billion times.

5. People with PhD’s and law degrees constantly seek your advice while drawing three times the pay.

6. You have grown accustomed to being threatened in a violent manner, and honestly don’t worry about it most of the time.

7. You can name at least three good things about any deplorable situation or person.

8. You used to be idealistic, but now recognize how cute that is.

9. You have taken time management courses and still can’t manage your time.

10. You have the ability to recognize that a drug dealer is really an entrepreneur, and a that most sociopaths would make excellent attorneys, and can find a way to convince each of them that they really can focus their strengths in a legal manner.


  1. you might be a social worker if you are finding you have to compromise your integrity and commitment to your client because of your line managers and their dubious politics, thus ricking your client's life sometimes.

  2. you might be a social worker if you are so blase about suicidal clients in mental health that you no longer feel sad enough to bother to try to prevent anyone killing themselves.

  3. Yes, GravyLady, I forget how long its been since Dr. Kavorkian first became known but I do remember thinking that I could be his number one referrer. Of course I never said this out loud : )
